Wednesday, May 23, 2012

25 Pieces of Advice

Hello to all my fellow camp counselors!

For my first official post, I thought I'd give some basic and random advice to first time counselors. Some of these are original thoughts, some are from counselors/staff that I've worked with or have talked to.

1. There is no book, blog, article or training session that can tell you how to be a counselor. 

2. During training, try to remember a few ice-breakers/time fillers. You will use them more often than you think. 

3. Take advantage of your nights off. Have fun, do something "grown up", hang out with fellow staff members and non-camp friends (if possible), and this above all else, GET SOME SLEEP.

4. Don't take yourself too seriously. If you want the campers to be silly, you're going to have to do the same. 

5. Get your acrylic nails taken off before camp starts.

6. Be firm on the first day of camp. Lay down rules, explain consequences, and earn the respect of your cabin. You have the rest of the week to have fun and laugh with them, but this is the day that you set the tone. If you don't have respect on the first day, the rest of the week will be a struggle. 

7. Never say the word "homesick" to a camper. Once they have a word for it, they will make it their identity, and it will only get worse. 

8. Know which rules are meant to be followed down to the letter, and which can be bent.

9. Never be afraid to ask for help from fellow staff members. 

10. Find the balance between respect for the campers that have been at your camp for a long time, and still maintaining the fact that you are in charge. 

11. Wear sunscreen.

12. If you date a fellow counselor, remember that your priority is still the campers. They should always come first. And they should NOT know that you are in a relationship with a staff member.

13. The only way that you can put the campers before yourself is if you take care of yourself. Get enough sleep, eat well, drink water, and do what you can on your days off to restore your sanity. 

14. Don't use sarcasm with campers. They tend to take you seriously. 

15. Be yourself with your fellow staff members. They will become your family, make sure they know who you really are. 

16. Find the nearest Walmart.

17. Save letters, notes, crafts or anything else your campers make you. 

18. You did not buy enough socks. Go get more. 

19. Know a good bedtime story or two. Campers like them at every age. Heck, some counselors like them too. 

20. Do tuck-ins. (If you don't know what a tuck-in is, it's a short activity you do with your cabin right before bed, like everyone going around and saying what the best part of the day was)

21. When checking in, take a moment to semi-privately ask whoever is dropping the camper off if there is anything else you need to know. Sometimes they don't want their camper to know that they are telling you something, but it could be critical. 

22. Learn where they keep the coffee. 

23. Come in with an open mind. You will interact with campers, counselors and staff from all different backgrounds, experiences and cultures. Use it as an opportunity to learn and live outside of your box. 

24. Take pictures.

25. You are about to be a role model. You will change someones life. You are going to be someones go-to counselor in their memory. Come prepared for that, understand it, and embrace it.

Hope you liked it!
You are amazing!

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