Thursday, April 2, 2015

It's Raining, It's Snowing...

Hello to all of my fellow camp counselors and staff!

It's officially April! I hope you all made it through April Fools Day with a few laughs, and no injuries.

I live in Colorado, where the seasons are "more what you'd call guidelines, than actual rules" (I really like Pirates of the Caribbean). The past two weeks we have had beautiful, sunny, 70 degree weather. Today, it's snowing. A lot.

All of this snow has made me think about camp, and days with abnormal weather (or maybe it's normal, depending on what part of the country you're in). If you work winter camps, rain or snow is pretty likely. During the summer, however, you may not have plans for a rainy day. Having fun during a rainy day requires flexibility and creativity, and if you do it right, the day can be one that your campers never forget.

Before I list off my favorite rainy day activities, I need to share this little insight about me with all of you. I'm a planner. I am not always good with spontaneous. I plan nearly everything, including how I'm going to get dressed in the morning. Rainy days are not something I can plan for. I don't know when they'll happen, I don't know if it'll be cold or warm, I don't know if it'll be safe to be outside, I don't know how my campers will react. Making rainy days fun is a challenge for me. And while I can't have an exact plan, I can have some ideas in mind. So now I give you a few ideas.

One more note before I share my list. Know your camps rain policy. Use common sense. If it's cold, get your campers somewhere warmer. If there's lightning, get somewhere safe. If your campers are scared, make helping them feel safe your priority. And know your campers. Some kids do not want to get soaking wet. Some kids love it. Make sure you pay attention to all of your campers, and keep the day fun for all of them. 

This might seem really obvious. And it kind of is. But it's also a lot of fun. If it looks like it's going to rain, do a rain dance with your campers. If they're into lip sync, choreograph the dance. Or, you can just dance around randomly and chant at the sky.

Singing in the Rain is one of my favorite camp songs, and it rarely actually gets sung in the rain. But if you don't know it, you can just sing in the rain. Get creative, make up new verses of the song about rain!
For this activity, it's really important to know your campers. Some campers will NOT like this. If they're young, you might get a lot of crying. As a camper, however, rain hikes were my favorite. We got to walk through the trees, and everything smelled different. We got muddy and wet, and after we got to have hot chocolate and laugh at each others wild hair. It was the best.

Team relay races are tons of fun and a great way to bond. Why not use the rain to do it? Get a bucket. Find something that the campers can use to catch rain (sponges, cups, etc.). Make teams. The team with the most rain in the bucket wins! 
This can be a great option if you're staying inside. Split into groups and make up skits about the rain! 
Okay, this was something my Girl Scout troop did when we were about 11. When we were stuck in our cabins, we would all sit on the top bunks with our sleeping bags on and over our legs. We would make up these dances that we would do with our imaginary mermaid tails and sing songs with it. It was always hilarious, and a great way to pass a lot of time. 

This is great for after the rain has stopped. It's pretty simple, you just make art out of the mud! It can be drawings in the mud, mud sculptures, or mud body art! I'm a huge fan of mud, so I say, play in it as much as you can! 
Rainy days are all about making a different kind of situation into an awesome, unique day. Be spontaneous, pay attention to your campers, and have fun! 

Don't let it rain on your parade, 


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  2. Yeah I tried to send an email but immediately I got the answer that recipient failed permanently. Let me know your current e-mail because I wanted to ask you some thing about being a counselor :) thx x
