Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Walmart, Heaven on Earth

Hello to all of my fellow camp counselors!

Before I was a counselor, I couldn't stand going in to Walmart. Maybe it was the crowds, maybe it was the people that made up those crowds (see PeopleofWalmart.com) or maybe I just didn't fully appreciate the vast glory that is Walmart. But once I started working as a counselor, I quickly learned that in reality, Walmart is truly heavenly.

It's Cheap
The amount of money I spend on cabin decorations, crafts, themed outfits and late night snacks is outrageous. Thankfully, Walmart sells in bulk and cheap. That plus a little bit of thrift store hunting saves me hundreds of dollars.

They Sell Everything
My weekly shopping list typically includes flip flops, a water bottle, sun screen, a t-shirt, sun glasses, cereal, nutella, and lots of cabin decorations. And that only BEGINS to explain how different the things I need are. Enter Walmart. It's all there. Clothes? Check. Food? Check. Camping supplies? Check. Personal hygiene? Check. Decorations? Check. I'm serious. EVERYTHING.

There Are Fun Things On Sale
My favorite area of Walmart is the dollar box. They sell random snacks, decorations, party favors, etc. for a dollar or less. You never know what you need until it's on sale for a dollar.

Or some kind of fast food usually reside in Walmart. And on a camp budget and counselor hunger, sometimes you just need food fast.

Pure Entertainment
The lovely frequent shoppers of Walmart (including myself, I have pink cat pajamas that have seen Walmart) are sometimes rather, well, colorful. And sometimes after a week at camp, they are just what you need.

Shop on!
You are amazing!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dos and Don'ts: Staff Training

Hello to all of my fellow camp counselors!

Well, I am officially half way through Staff Training 2012!! And let me tell you, it has been amazing. I have the privilege of spending this summer with thirty-some staff members from all over the world. And since I'm in the throws of training, I thought, what better blog topic?

Do: Get Outside of Your Comfort Zone
Try something new. Talk to somebody you wouldn't usually. Explore your camp and all of the amazing new things it has to offer.

Don't: Overdo It
You have all summer to try doing new things, don't worry if you miss one thing. Instead, try to get to know a few areas that you think you would excel in.

Do: Get To Know Everyone
Especially within the first two days, try to talk to most of the staff. Everyone is trying to get to know each other, and at this point they might be too shy to approach you. Take the initiative.

Don't: Worry If You Don't Love Everyone
Some people need time to grow on you, and some people are just not going to be best friends. You don't have to like everyone, you do have to be respectful and willing to work together peacefully.

Do: Step Up
Take on some responsibility. If a program area needs a lead and you think you could do it, speak up!

Don't: Step On Toes
Chances are your camp has some returning staff. They might have a lot of experience, and while they would certainly appreciate support, try not to overstep. Be willing to listen and learn.

Do: Get To Know the Administrative Staff
If you're going to work for these people for the summer, you may want to know them. Know personalities and quirks. These could really be helpful for the summer.

Don't: Forget To Be A Part of the Summer Staff
If everyone is sitting at the camp fire, join them! Go out together on the weekends, hang out on off time, and become a family!

Do: Pay Attention
Falling asleep in training sessions is so not good. Try to keep the eyes open and the ears listening. You will regret it if you fall asleep in a training session about how to deal with campers getting sick in the night.

Don't: Stress the Small Stuff
You won't remember everything you are taught. If you miss a few details here and there, its OK.

Do: Get Silly
Sing campfire songs, dance around, be weird.

Don't: Be Too Cool
You won't look cool, you look bored.

Duh :)

You are amazing!