Tuesday, October 9, 2012

You Know You're A Camp Counselor When...

Hello to all of my fellow camp counselors!

One of my favorite things about being a camp counselor is you share inside jokes with other counselors, regardless of what camp you worked at. We've all experienced the same or similar situations, and we all relate. I recently stumbled upon a "You Know You're a Camp Counselor When..." thread on the American Camp Association message boards. So I thought I'd compile a list of my own. Some of these come from that thread, others are my own ideas. Enjoy!

You know you're a camp counselor when...

Your friends and family don't expect to see you over summer
Songs come on the radio, and you sing your camp version and get weird looks from your friends
Tan lines are a competition (that I won this year)
You have a set of camp clothes
You refer to your campers as your kids
You save everything campers make for you
You have made friends from all over the world
You would rather sleep then shower
Mail call is the best time of day
You have a "camp wall" in your room
Your friends are tired of hearing stories that begin with "this one time at camp..."
Walkie Talkies are signs of authority
You value your clip board more than your cell phone
Your favorite songs are about moose, hippos or made up words
You've written a class paper/college essay about camp
You can walk through a dark path at night without a flashlight

I'm sure you all have many more, so feel free to comment them or send them to my email, lifeofacampcounselor@aol.com

You are amazing!